Bob Oxenhorn Abstract Art Show at the Beckish Senior Center

Bob Oxenhorn

A b s t r a c t  A r t  S h o w — O c t o b e r  1st  2022

  B e c k i s h  S e n i o r  C e n t e r  C o l u m b i a , C T

Robert Oxenhorn is an accomplished and important American artist who while capturing the lush New England countryside using shapes created from tonal values and color in some works, also conceives new worlds of color and movement in his brilliant abstract pieces. Whatever he’s working on, Robert exhibits a love for the subjects he paints. Born in Manchester Connecticut in 1943, Robert grew up in Hartford, Connecticut. Oxenhorn graduated from Hartford Art School of the University of Hartford with a bachelor’s degree in Fine Art and Design. He earned early recognition for his works by winning numerous regional and national competitive exhibitions. In 1966, after service in the US Army, Robert became a graphic designer and illustrator. He designed and illustrated for numerous companies including The Hartford Insurance Group, The Aetna Insurance Company, American Optical Corporation, Spalding Sports International, Holyoke Water Power Company, and Northeast Utilities now known as Eversource, and various other organizations and businesses. Much of his work is published nationally. In 2001, Robert took a hiatus from the commercial art scene and entered many newly created fine art pieces into multiple art shows throughout Connecticut. The Mystic Museum of Art, The Wadsworth Athenaeum, Lyme Art Association, Slater Museum, and The Hygienic Art Gallery are some of the organizations where Robert’s artwork has been displayed. Numerous collectors and corporations hold artworks by Robert Oxenhorn, nationwide.